페이지 정보
EUV Photomask Inspection Equipment : Using a spectroscopic ellipsometer, one can accurately determine the thicknesses and
the complex refractive indices of multilayered samples. But if films absorb light strongly as of EUV photomask films, the accuracy
of determining the thickness and the complex refractive index is significantly decreased. On the other hand, when the transmittance
and the reflectance are analyzed altogether, the accuracy is greatly recovered. Elli-SERT is an integrated system into which
a spectroscopic ellipsometer, a spectroscopic reflectometer, and a spectroscopic transmitter are combined altogether.
The software for an easy operation of this integrated system and the data analysis for EUV photomask films is also equipped.
◈ Performance
-. SE Beam spot size : ≤ 50 ㎛
-. SE Measurement speed : 2.1 Sec
-. SE Wavelength range : 190 nm ~ 850 nm
-. SR, ST Beam spot size : ≤ 80 ㎛
-. SR, ST Measurement speed : 1.2 Sec
-. SR, ST Wavelength range : 190 nm ~ 850 nm
-. OD (transmittance) Measurement repeatability : ±0.01 %
-. Thickness determination repeatability : ±0.015 nm
-. XY Mapping : 150 mm x 150 mm
◈ SERT System
-. Spectroscopic ellipsometer : PSA configuration, Optical system for 50 ㎛ spot
-. Spectroscopic reflectometer : Optical system for 100 ㎛ spot, "+" Mark
-. Spectroscopic transmitter : Optical system for 100 ㎛ spot, "+" Mark
-. Image recognition module : Spot size measurement
-. Automatic tilt & height adjustment module : 3-axis control, (θx, θy, Tz)
-. Automatic variable angle module : Automatic Angle of incidence : 45˚~ 90˚, 0.01˚
-. Sample stage : X-Y mapping
-. Light source : Tungsten halogen & Deuterium lamp
-. Integrated software for measurement & analysis : User-friendly UI
◈ Application
-. EUV Lithography, Semiconductor, Display(incl. OLED), Dielectrics
▣ Supported by : TIPA(Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs)
- Elli-SERT_Catalog.pdf (243.9K) 92회 다운로드 | DATE : 2022-01-04 15:14:11
- Elli-SERT_Spec.pdf (734.4K) 86회 다운로드 | DATE : 2022-01-04 15:14:11